We are spiritual beings having human experiences (not the other way around)....

The Warrior of the Wow!

The Warrior of the Wow!
(Not the worrier of the how.)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Prosperity Affirmations

with love from Heather

There is limitless abundance and it is mine

I release my need for financial insecurity and am at peace with this

I am financially secure and invite and accept this each moment

I am surrounded by loving, giving people who support and rejoice in my growing abundance

I release my need to feel needy and am at peace with this

I have everything I want or need and am at peace with this

I release my fear of wealth & financial wellness and am at peace with this

I am healthy and prosperous and am at peace with this

I allow myself to prosper and am at peace with this

I trust that I am creating abundance for myself and for all

I have more than I need in every area of my life

I have more than enough to share generously

I joyfully, generously, gratefully share my abundance daily

I invite and accept the abundance of The Universe in all its forms

I release my need for debt and am at peace with this

I am solvent and am at peace with this

I am safe and secure and am at peace with this

In moments & times of uncertainty I quickly reclaim my faith and peace

I enjoy and return a steady flow of positive energy

I am loved, accepted, acknowledged and appreciated

I have the resources to develop my creative expression

I am successful in every way that matters

I freely and joyfully express my creativity

My creativity is an artesian font, requiring only itself to flow endlessly

I am joyfully living my dream

I have plenty of time and money

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