We are spiritual beings having human experiences (not the other way around)....

The Warrior of the Wow!

The Warrior of the Wow!
(Not the worrier of the how.)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Excerpt from a Letter to a Friend

Mi Compadre:

I have never come close to and can't imagine I ever will come close to giving up on you. What a thought!

This week's word is:

mu·tu·al·ism / [myoo-choo-uh-liz-uhm] –noun
1.a symbiotic relationship in which each of the organisms benefit from the association.
2.the doctrine that the interdependence of social elements is the primary determinant of individual and social relations, esp. the theory that common ownership of property, or collective effort and control governed by sentiments of brotherhood and mutual aid, will be beneficial to both the individual and society.
3.Sociology. the force or principle of mutual aid.

Ponder that as you go about your life this week, my dear friend. Not merely as it applies to you and me, but notice how every experience and every person you meet is directing or teaching or influencing you spiritually. Notice how you are doing the same (directing and teaching and influencing) whether you are consciously intending to or not.

We (us souls) are One. Each of us is an amorphous, constantly metamorphosing, multi-dimensional piece of an amorphous, constantly metamorphosing, multi-dimensional whole, the entirety of which is g-d. We all fit together perfectly in a constantly active and interactive shifting and shaping infinite and formless ball of energy (for lack of a better word).

You are not about to fall over the cliff unless you want to, unless you think you need to. Stop saying that (unless you want to, unless you think you need to). There is no cliff. There is no falling. Be in the moment that YOU taught me how to be in so many years ago. Love the one(s) your with. (And by "love" I mean act with love, act with celebration, and gratitude, and wonder, and joy.) See yourself calm, even-keeled, connected to each experience, marveling at the amazing intricacies of life, grateful for all that you are and all that you have and all that you can and will be. As you see yourself so you will be. I swear on all I hold near and dear that this is true. Trust me if you can't trust yourself on this one. All the rest will follow.

I love you!


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