We are spiritual beings having human experiences (not the other way around)....

The Warrior of the Wow!

The Warrior of the Wow!
(Not the worrier of the how.)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Excerpt from a Letter to a Friend

Mi Compadre:

I have never come close to and can't imagine I ever will come close to giving up on you. What a thought!

This week's word is:

mu·tu·al·ism / [myoo-choo-uh-liz-uhm] –noun
1.a symbiotic relationship in which each of the organisms benefit from the association.
2.the doctrine that the interdependence of social elements is the primary determinant of individual and social relations, esp. the theory that common ownership of property, or collective effort and control governed by sentiments of brotherhood and mutual aid, will be beneficial to both the individual and society.
3.Sociology. the force or principle of mutual aid.

Ponder that as you go about your life this week, my dear friend. Not merely as it applies to you and me, but notice how every experience and every person you meet is directing or teaching or influencing you spiritually. Notice how you are doing the same (directing and teaching and influencing) whether you are consciously intending to or not.

We (us souls) are One. Each of us is an amorphous, constantly metamorphosing, multi-dimensional piece of an amorphous, constantly metamorphosing, multi-dimensional whole, the entirety of which is g-d. We all fit together perfectly in a constantly active and interactive shifting and shaping infinite and formless ball of energy (for lack of a better word).

You are not about to fall over the cliff unless you want to, unless you think you need to. Stop saying that (unless you want to, unless you think you need to). There is no cliff. There is no falling. Be in the moment that YOU taught me how to be in so many years ago. Love the one(s) your with. (And by "love" I mean act with love, act with celebration, and gratitude, and wonder, and joy.) See yourself calm, even-keeled, connected to each experience, marveling at the amazing intricacies of life, grateful for all that you are and all that you have and all that you can and will be. As you see yourself so you will be. I swear on all I hold near and dear that this is true. Trust me if you can't trust yourself on this one. All the rest will follow.

I love you!


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Perfect You Perfect Me

The absolute truth is that the "I" is perfect and complete; the real "I" is spiritual and can therefore never be less than perfect; it can never have any lack, limitation, or disease. ~Charles Haanel


What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. ~Napoleon Hill

Perfect Presence

"Focus on feeling the life presence inside of You. As you focus on the presence within it will begin to reveal itself to You. It is a feeling of pure love and bliss, and it is perfection. That presence is the perfection of You. That presence is the real You. As you focus on that presence, as you feel, love, and praise that presence, you will love yourself fully, quite possibly for the first time in your life.

"Any time you look at yourself with critical eyes, switch your focus immediately to the within, and its perfection will reveal itself to You. As you do this, all imperfections that have manifested in your life will dissolve, because imperfections cannot exist in the light of this presence. Whether you want to regain perfect eyesight, dissolve disease and restore well-being, turn poverty into abundance, reverse aging and degeneration, or eradicate any negativity, focus on and love the presence within you and perfection will manifest." ~from The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, p. 173

You Can

Whether you think you can or think you can't . . . either way you are right. ~Henry Ford

The Art of Visualization

"Visualization is a process that has been taught by all the great teachers and avatars throughout the centuries, as well as by all the great teachers living today. In Charles Haanel's book, The Master Key System, written in 1912, he gives twenty-four weekly exercises to master visualization. (More important, his complete Master Key System will also help you become the master of your thoughts.)" ~from The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, p. 81

Read Haanel's book for free via weekly emails:
The Master Key System

Getting There From Here

Think of a car driving through the night. The headlights only go a hundred to two hundred feet forward but you can make it all the way from California to New York driving through the dark because all you have to see is the next two hundred feet. That’s how life tends to unfold before you. If you just trust that the next two hundred feet will unfold after that and the next two hundred feet will unfold after that, your life will keep unfolding. You will eventually get you to the destination of whatever it is you truly want because you want it. ~Jack Canfield

Of course it's not just the wanting it that gets you there, it's the getting in the car and driving and trusting. It's intention and action and faith. Desire is the water in the well -- you still have to crank the bucket and believe (know) that it will come back up overflowing and ready to quench your thirst.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Once a Man Worries

Once a man worries, he clings to anything out of desperation; and once he clings he is bound to get exhausted or to exhaust whomever or whatever he is clinging to. A warrior-hunter, on the other hand, knows he will lure game into his traps over and over again, so he doesn’t worry. ~from Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos Castaneda, 20th century mystic and Toltec warrior

Prosperity Affirmations

with love from Heather

There is limitless abundance and it is mine

I release my need for financial insecurity and am at peace with this

I am financially secure and invite and accept this each moment

I am surrounded by loving, giving people who support and rejoice in my growing abundance

I release my need to feel needy and am at peace with this

I have everything I want or need and am at peace with this

I release my fear of wealth & financial wellness and am at peace with this

I am healthy and prosperous and am at peace with this

I allow myself to prosper and am at peace with this

I trust that I am creating abundance for myself and for all

I have more than I need in every area of my life

I have more than enough to share generously

I joyfully, generously, gratefully share my abundance daily

I invite and accept the abundance of The Universe in all its forms

I release my need for debt and am at peace with this

I am solvent and am at peace with this

I am safe and secure and am at peace with this

In moments & times of uncertainty I quickly reclaim my faith and peace

I enjoy and return a steady flow of positive energy

I am loved, accepted, acknowledged and appreciated

I have the resources to develop my creative expression

I am successful in every way that matters

I freely and joyfully express my creativity

My creativity is an artesian font, requiring only itself to flow endlessly

I am joyfully living my dream

I have plenty of time and money