We are spiritual beings having human experiences (not the other way around)....

The Warrior of the Wow!

The Warrior of the Wow!
(Not the worrier of the how.)

Thursday, December 13, 2007


You don't have to learn a single new thing in order to communicate and make conscious contact with your Source--it's all in you already.

All you have to do is remember.

~from Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling
by Dr. Wayne Dyer, p. 223

Perfect Oneness

If g-d were to acknowledge anything except the idea of perfect oneness then there would no longer be perfect oneness.


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Chinese Proverb

I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.


Ego insists on believing that we don't have enough, others have more, there's newer and better stuff, we won't be liked unless we purchase that thing, we lack status, some designer label will make life better, and so on. This is the exact opposite of what Spirit gently whispers:
You are complete already, a product of universal abundance, relax and enjoy life--what you desire will show up with less effort and no anxiety.
~from Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling
by Dr. Wayne Dyer, p. 161

Above the Vanities

The end of all religions is the realizing of g-d in the soul. That is the one universal religion. If there is one universal truth in all religions, place it here--in realizing g-d. Ideals and methods may differ, but that is the central point. There may be a thousand different radii, but they all converge to the one center--that is the realization of g-d, something behind this world of senses, this world of eternal eating and drinking and talking nonsense, this world of false shadows and selfishness.

There is that beyond all books, beyond all creeds, beyond the vanities of this world, and it is the realization of g-d within yourself. One may believe in all the churches in the world, may carry in one's head all the sacred books ever written, may baptize oneself in all the rivers of the earth, still, if one has no perception of God, I would class him or her with the rankest atheist.

One whom may have never entered a church or a mosque or a synagogue nor performed any ceremony yet realizes g-d within and is thereby lifted above the vanities of the world, that one is a holy one, a saint, call it what you will.

As soon you stand up and say you are right or your church is right and all others are wrong, you are yourself all wrong. You do not know that upon the proof of all the others depends the proof of your own. Love and charity for the whole human race, that is the test of true religiousness--one must feel the oneness of human life, of all life.
~Swami Vivekananda
(slightly paraphrased)

An Angel Within Each of Us

No one will be able to make us believe that a human being is a sublimated animal once we can show that within each of us is a repressed angel.

~from Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning
by Viktor E. Frankl, p. 65